As the skies turn red and the planet trembles, Japan stands on the brink of disaster. Determined teenager Suzume, who can see supernatural forces others cannot, sets out on a mission to save her country. Suzume is the visually stunning and thrilling new film from director Makoto Shinkai, an animator and manga artist who broke out with his 2016 film Your Name. By 2019 Your Name had become the highest-grossing anime film worldwide of all time, overtaking Miyazaki’s Spirited Away.
“Suzume is Shinkai’s biggest and possibly most complex movie, and parts of it feel more personal due to the invocation of real history.” — Sam Barsanti, The A.V. Club
directed by
Makoto Shinkai
Makoto Shinkai
written by
Makoto Shinkai
Makoto Shinkai
Nanoka Hara, Hokuto Matsumura, Eri Fukatsu
Nanoka Hara, Hokuto Matsumura, Eri Fukatsu
English Dub
English Dub