The heartwarming and heartbreaking adventures of two inseparable friends in 1980s New York City begins when a lonely dog decides to build a robot companion. After an outing to the beach forces Dog to abandon Robot, he wonders if he’ll ever see his newfound friend again. Based on Sara Varon’s 2007 graphic novel of the same name and directed by Pablo Berger, Robot Dreams won Spain’s Goya Award for Best Animated Feature.
“In Robot Dreams, the bold clarity of the line drawings matches the clean simplicity of the plot — which, perhaps ironically, fires our imaginations even further.” — Bilge Ebiri, New York Magazine/Vulture
“… the attention to detail is stunning, evoking an equal amount of awe and nostalgia. It truly feels like a trip back in time, right down to the graffiti-covered subways and the feeling that you could see the Twin Towers from anywhere in town.” — Odie Henderson, The Boston Globe
directed by
Pablo Berger
Pablo Berger
written by
Pablo Berger, Sara Varon
Pablo Berger, Sara Varon
Ivan Labanda, Albert Trifol Segarra, Rafa Calvo
Ivan Labanda, Albert Trifol Segarra, Rafa Calvo
Spain, France
Spain, France