Walt Disney Animation Studios’ Raya and the Last Dragon travels to the fantasy world of Kumandra, where humans and dragons lived together in harmony long ago. But when an evil force threatened the land, the dragons sacrificed themselves to save humanity. Now, 500 years later, that same evil has returned and it’s up to a lone warrior, Raya, to track down the legendary last dragon to restore the fractured land and its divided people.
“A new Disney princess from Southeast Asia battles factionalism and her own trust issues.” — Beatrice Loayza, New York Times
directed by
Don Hall, Carlos López Estrada, Paul Briggs
Don Hall, Carlos López Estrada, Paul Briggs
written by
Qui Nguyen, Adele Lim, Paul Briggs
Qui Nguyen, Adele Lim, Paul Briggs
Kelly Marie Tran, Awkwafina, Gemma Chan
Kelly Marie Tran, Awkwafina, Gemma Chan
United States
United States
production company
Walt Disney Animation Studios, Walt Disney Pictures
Walt Disney Animation Studios, Walt Disney Pictures