A magical meteor crash lands in Adventure City and gives the PAW Patrol pups superpowers, transforming them into The Mighty Pups. The newest film in the children’s franchise is sweet, thoughtful, and funny enough to entertain the entire family.
“While not as subversive as its predecessor, it delivers on the promise of a smart and salient sequel with bolder action, bigger stakes, and deeper resonance for all ages.” — Courtney Howard, Variety
“PAW Patrol: The Mighty Movie has enjoyable moments children and adults will enjoy, but also poses big questions and complicated ideas about personal growth and achievement.” — Alejandra Martinez, The Austin Chronicle
directed by
Cal Brunker
Cal Brunker
written by
Cal Brunker, Bob Barlen, Shane Morris
Cal Brunker, Bob Barlen, Shane Morris
Mckenna Grace, Taraji P. Henson, Marsai Martin
Mckenna Grace, Taraji P. Henson, Marsai Martin
United States, Canada
United States, Canada