Ben Kingsley stars as Milton, a quiet man living a quiet life in Western Pennsylvania, whose life changes overnight when an extraterrestrial crashes into his backyard. Jules is not a riveting action flick like Alien, but this low-voltage, gentle charmer has other pleasures in store. The outstanding ensemble cast includes Jane Curtin, Harriet Sansom Harris and Jade Quon.
PLEASE NOTE: Regular Crandell tickets are not available online to non-members during FilmColumbia pre-sales. Please come to the box office in person for tickets!
“A compassionate character study that accomplishes what few current films do: a sweet, simple sense of wonder.” — Thelma Adams, AARP Movies for Grownups
directed by
Marc Turtletaub
Marc Turtletaub
written by
Gavin Steckler
Gavin Steckler
Ben Kingsley, Harriet Sansom Harris, Jane Curtin
Ben Kingsley, Harriet Sansom Harris, Jane Curtin
United States
United States