Dear Crandell Community,
I am writing to let you know that I have made the difficult decision to step down as Executive Director of the Crandell Theatre to pursue personal interests (i.e., retirement!). March 29th will be my last official day. A search by the Crandell’s board for the next person to assume the position is already underway.
As the Crandell enters these final months of fundraising to complete the renovation and restoration of our beloved, nearly 100-year-old historic theater, it is the ideal time for a new era of leadership to steer us into our next iteration of the independent, community-based nonprofit cinema you know and love.
It’s an understatement to say that it has been a true honor to have played a role in growing the Crandell’s nonprofit organization over the last twelve years. When I started, ticket payments had to be made in cash at the box office rather than with a credit or debit card, and we were still showing films on those big heavy reels! We’ve come a long way, thanks to the direction and support of our active, hardworking board of directors and the creativity and diligent work of our remarkable, dedicated staff.
Through my work at the Crandell I have developed a true sense of belonging to this wonderful community. I’ve enjoyed getting to know our many supporters, members, filmmakers, and filmgoers, whose commitment to the Crandell never flags. I’ve had the opportunity to meet and collaborate with the many individuals who form the fabric of our community, and who have, in turn, helped us inform, enhance and grow our programming in such meaningful ways. I cherish every connection I’ve made with the people who run and manage the area’s businesses, schools, libraries, historical societies, civic groups and other nonprofits. They have welcomed, encouraged, and enlightened me, and for that, I’ll always be grateful.
Please know that I’m not going anywhere yet! I will be here for as long as is necessary to ensure a smooth transition. Meanwhile, I hope to see you at the movies!
Annie Brody