Oscar nominee Hugh Jackman stars as the charismatic politician Gary Hart for Academy Award-nominated director Jason Reitman in the new thrilling drama The Front Runner. The film follows the rise and fall of Senator Hart who captured the imagination of young voters and was considered the overwhelming front runner for the 1988 Democratic presidential nomination when his campaign was sidelined by the story of an extramarital relationship with Donna Rice. As tabloid journalism and political journalism merged for the first time, Senator Hart was forced to drop out of the race – events that left a profound and lasting impact on American politics and the world stage.
“A tip-top piece of entertainment starring Hugh Jackman as Hart and Vera Farmiga as his wife, Lee, that is as significant as it is enjoyable.” — Kenneth Turan, Los Angeles Times
“Whether you’ve been following politics for three years or 30, you’ll learn something from The Front Runner-but buckle up, because it’s gonna hurt.” — Stephanie Zacharek, TIME Magazine
“…Jackman delivers one of his finest performances.” — Stephen Farber, Hollywood Reporter
directed by
Jason Reitman
Jason Reitman
written by
Matt Bai, Jay Carson, Jason Reitman, Matt Bai (based on the book "All The Truth Is Out" by)
Matt Bai, Jay Carson, Jason Reitman, Matt Bai (based on the book "All The Truth Is Out" by)
Hugh Jackman, Vera Farmiga, J.K. Simmons, Mark O'Brien
Hugh Jackman, Vera Farmiga, J.K. Simmons, Mark O'Brien
production company
Columbia Pictures
Columbia Pictures