This film is part of the Tales of Europe series.
French/Moroccan filmmaker Meryem Benm’Barak-Aloïsi’s first feature film, Sofia made a significant splash at Cannes where it won a Best Screenplay award. A tense and gripping tale set in present-day Casablanca, Sofia is about a young woman who, within twenty-four hours of giving birth, must find the father of her child before the hospital reports her to the police for immorality.
A program of Unifrance
Preceding the film will be a short film Blue Dog.
Blue Dog
In a French suburb a depressed father is enlivened by his son’s enthusiasm for a young neighbor and her love of Tamil dance. Written and directed by Fanny Liatard and Miriam Baradji. 17 min. 2019. France.
directed by
Meryem Benm'Barek-Aloïsi
Meryem Benm'Barek-Aloïsi
written by
Meryem Benm'Barek-Aloïsi
Meryem Benm'Barek-Aloïsi
Maha Alemi, Sarah Perles, Hamza Khafif
Maha Alemi, Sarah Perles, Hamza Khafif
In Arabic and French (with English subtitles)
In Arabic and French (with English subtitles)
production company
Curiosa Films, Versus Production, Cinémage 12
Curiosa Films, Versus Production, Cinémage 12