Produced by ShortsTV for the past 15 years and the largest commercial release of short films on the planet, this special feature showcases Oscar-nominated short films in three categories on the big screen. The short films nominated in the documentary category include films about a flamboyant Watergate whistleblower, an orphaned elephant, a filmmaker’s daughter seen across time from ages 2 to 18, and the making of a surprising yet remarkable friendship.
This year’s nominees include:
How Do You Measure a Year? – Jay Rosenblatt, USA, 29 min.
The Elephant Whisperers – Kartiki Gonsalves and Guneet Monga, India, 40 min.
Stranger at the Gate – Joshua Seftel and Conall Jones, USA, 29 min.
Haulout – Evgenia Arbugaeva and Maxim Arbugaev, UK, 25 min.
The Martha Mitchell Effect – Anne Alvergue and Debra McClutchy, USA, 40 min.
Note to Parents: These films have a rating equivalent of PG-13/R for adult themes.