
Documentary Rated: NR 89 min
Streaming Online: Fri, Dec 11—Thu, Dec 17

MAYOR is a real-life political saga following Musa Hadid, the Christian mayor of Ramallah, during his second term in office. His immediate goals: repave the sidewalks, attract more tourism, and plan the city’s Christmas celebrations. His ultimate mission: to end the occupation of Palestine. Rich with detailed observation and a surprising amount of humor, MAYOR offers a portrait of dignity amidst the madness and absurdity of endless occupation while posing a question: how do you run a city when you don’t have a country?

“Outstanding…Made with irony, subtlety, and style, “Mayor” is a bittersweet lesson in civic and international politics.” — Peter Keough, The Boston Globe
“It may seem strange to recommend highly as a Christmas movie a new film about Musa Hadid the mayor of Ramallah, a vibrant Palestinian city in the geographic middle of Israeli Occupation, but I do. MAYOR, David Osit’s new documentary produced by Abigail Disney, is a fine tuned revelation at once humorous and serious about civic untenability.It not only is a New York Times Critic’s Pick but simply one of the most exciting unexpected films of the year.” — Laurence Kardish, Co-Artistic Director, FilmColumbia
directed by
David Osit
written by
David Osit,Eric, Daniel Metzgar
Musa Adid
English, Arabic
USA, United Kingdom