“Miriam Makeba (1932–2008), who brought the music of sub-Saharan Africa to the world led a most extraordinary and influential life, and although she died only twelve years ago (in the middle of a benefit concert), it is time to celebrate her once more. Rising from the misery of South African apartheid to performing on concert stages the world over, Makeba — a protégé of Harry Belafonte and was married to, among others, Hugh Maskela and Stokley Carmichael — gave a powerful voice to the oppressed. This recent documentary by Mika Kaurismaki does her major talent and indomitable spirit justice.” — Laurence Kardish, co-artistic director, FilmColumbia
“A portrait of a woman … whose dynamic range and earth-wide smile made the words and sounds pouring from her like a hand extended, a heart exposed, a story of the world made achingly real.” — Robert Abele, Los Angeles Times
directed by
Mika Kaurismäki
Mika Kaurismäki
written by
Mika Kaurismäki, Don Edkins
Mika Kaurismäki, Don Edkins
Miriam Makeba, Bageot Bah, Harry Belafonte, Stokely Carmichael
Miriam Makeba, Bageot Bah, Harry Belafonte, Stokely Carmichael
English, French
English, French
Finland, France, Germany, South Africa
Finland, France, Germany, South Africa
production company
ArtMattan Productions
ArtMattan Productions