An epic love story spanning decades is sparked by a chance encounter between two men in provincial Mexico. Based on a true story, ambition and societal pressure propel an aspiring chef to leave his soulmate and make the treacherous journey to New York, where life will never be the same.
“Dreams make up both the form and substance of I Carry You With Me, Heidi Ewing’s accomplished narrative feature debut.” — Ann Hornaday, Washington Post
“The love story of Ivan and Gerardo is an important one, and by sharing it, Ewing brings attention to the challenges facing LGBTQ people in Mexico, encouraging empathy for those who feel compelled to flee to the U.S. in order to live openly.” — Valerie Complex , Variety
directed by
Heidi Ewing
Heidi Ewing
written by
Heidi Ewing, Alan Page
Heidi Ewing, Alan Page
Armando Espitia, Christian Vazquez, Michelle Rodríguez
Armando Espitia, Christian Vazquez, Michelle Rodríguez
Spanish, English
Spanish, English
Mexico, United States
Mexico, United States
production company
The Population, Black Bear Pictures, Sony Pictures Worldwide Acquisitions (SPWA), Loki Films, Zafiro Cinema
The Population, Black Bear Pictures, Sony Pictures Worldwide Acquisitions (SPWA), Loki Films, Zafiro Cinema