This subtle, deeply moving film from Belgium focuses on two 13-year-old boys, best friends so close it causes their classmates to wonder if they are romantically involved. The insideous nature of the judgment from their peers affects the boys in different ways, with tragic results. Winner of the Grand Jury Prize at the Cannes Film Festival, director Lukas Dhont’s second film is an emotionally transformative and unforgettable portrait of the intersection of friendship and love, identity and independence, and heartbreak and healing. Screened at FilmColumbia 2022.
Nominated for an Oscar for Best International Feature
“Dhont tells a familiar story in what feels like a fresh and urgently new way, with sensitivity, sadness and promising glimmers of hope.” — Ann Hornaday, The Washington Post
“What Dhont understands, in short, is how kinetic the rites of passage are—how growing pains are expressed not in words, however therapeutic, but in rushes of activity.” — Anthony Lane, The New Yorker
directed by
Lukas Dhont
Lukas Dhont
written by
Lukas Dhont and Angelo Tijssens
Lukas Dhont and Angelo Tijssens
Eden Dambrine, Gustav De Waele, Émilie Dequenne
Eden Dambrine, Gustav De Waele, Émilie Dequenne
French, Dutch (with English subtitles)
French, Dutch (with English subtitles)
Belgium/France/The Netherlands
Belgium/France/The Netherlands
production company