This film is part of the Tales of Europe series.
A hit at Sundance and a wonderful film for families with older children who don’t mind subtitles, A Polar Year is set in the glorious icy barrens of Greenland. A young Danish man, Anders, goes to teach in Tiniteqilaaq, a remote fishing village of about eighty where the students, including eight-year-old Asser, would rather go hunting with their sled dogs than learn Danish. Anders struggles to fit in until he begins to bond with a young Tunumiit boy, Asser, and slowly immerses himself into the indigenous culture and its daily rhythm. With breathtaking cinematography and mostly verite scenes, A Polar Year is a standout documentary that playfully, and smartly, blurs the lines between fiction and non-fiction filmmaking.
FESTIVALS: Sundance, Fort Lauderdale, Next Generation Film Festival, Lincoln Center
“Collardey has crafted a memorable portrait of a remote setting and the relationships that slowly develop there.” — The Hollywood Reporter
Samuel Collardey
Catherine PaiIle, Samuel Collardey
Anders Hvidegaard, Asser Boassen, Thomasine Jonathansen
Danish, Inukitut (with English subtitles)
Geko Films, France 3 Cinéma, France Télévisions