Animation, Comedy, Drama Rated: PG 104 min

Written and directed by John Krasinski, this charming live-action, animated fantasy features a rogues’ gallery of forgotten imaginary friends that only a young girl and her neighbor can see. They soon set off on a magical quest to reunite these lost beings with their now grownup friends who first imagined them into existence. Stars Krasinski, Ryan Reynolds and Cailey Fleming are joined by the voices of Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Louis Gossett Jr., and Steve Carell. A hit with audiences, the film celebrates imagination and also deals honestly with how to cope with loss.

“By movie’s end, one can imagine more than one adult in the multiplex running home, checking under the bed, hoping to find a trusted old friend.” — Jocelyn Noveck, Associated Press
“Bells and whistles and imaginary friends aside, it’s that message of the inner child that’s ultimately essential – and IF channels just enough of it for this viewer to, at least for a few moments, remember hers.” — Adrian Horton, The Guardian
directed by
John Krasinski
written by
John Krasinski
Cailey Fleming, Ryan Reynolds, John Krasinski
United States, Canada